S.T.E.P. into FreedomTM Program – STOP

– A revolutionary treatment paradigm –

  • STOP

(discover each key S.T.E.P. by clicking on the individual boxes above)

STOP the triggers and stop the pain.  Stop the cause of nervous system irritation and inflammation and the pain stops.  Stop also means Stop the status quo…the way you have always done it!

Stop doing the same things and expecting a different result. Research reveals that 53% of chronic headache sufferers have never had a consultation to a health professional (Lifting the Burden, 2015) and even more are self-treating with sometimes harmful doses of pills and getting diminishing returns.

Some of things we include in this STEP for specific interventions are Stop…..

….nerve irritation

….the stress and tight breathing

….toxic thoughts and emotions

….prolonged sitting periods

….pressure in the neck

….sedentary posture and lack of movement

….harmful preservatives and additives in foods or triggers

….rebound headaches from some medications


Trading Hours
Springfield Central
Now on location at Orion Family Physiotherapy
Please call (07) 3470 1203 for any booking enquiries

The Headache + Migraine Clinic Affiliates